Feb, 2007

22 лютого 2007

Доповідь виголосила по-англійському проф. Елизавета Гейґ/ ELIZABETH HAIGH – професор історії на Університеті Св. Марії в Галіфаксі, спеціяліст історії точних наук та історії Росії та Радянського Союзу на тему: “The Foundation of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in 1918: Russian Imperial Science Meets Ukrainian National Identity.”

In Moscow in 1916, Mykhailo Hrushevsky and Volodymyr Vernadsky, both of Ukrainian descent and both members of the Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences, agreed that Ukrainians needed an academy of their own if they were ever to be taken seriously as a modern nation.

Hrushevsky expected to use the Shevchenko Scientific Society as the basis for the Academy. Vernadsky visualized an institution which would be a branch of the Russian academy. In November 1918, Vernadsky became the first president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences while Hrushevsky wrote scathing denunciations of the NeUkrainska Akademia Nauk.

Professor Elizabeth Haigh[left] with Dr. Marko Stech [centre] and Professor Daria Darewych [right]

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